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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Kesar Terminals and infrastructure 533289 FV Rs-5 : Excellent Buy at CMP of Rs 220-228 1 year Target Rs 300

KTIL is in an interesting business of bulk storage and warehousing , and logistics of specialatiy chemicals.

Long term investor may start accumulating shares of this  company for long term gains .At current price of  of 228 stock has potential to give 30% kind of returns in one year.

Detail report to follow............................................


  1. Sir, thanks for your yet another stock recommendation. This company hasn't gone for any capital expansion in recent years then how they will increase their topline going forward. Seccondly what is the reason that even after good financial performance they didnt increase the dividend pay out compared to previous years.

  2. Sir, happy republic day to you and all your blog readers

  3. Dear Mukesh,
    Company is considering bonus shares, will we get bonus shares if we buy now?
    Thanks for the new reco

    Kind regards,

  4. Is Kesar the market leader in this space? Also I see a contingent liability of 133 Cr. Any idea what is the contingency they are factoring?

  5. 108 CR is guarantee for the credit facility availed by one of its Subsidiary, which is part of their expansion nothing to worry here.


  6. Hi Sir, I can see still Kesar terminals is trading at your suggested price .. Can I still buy , please suggest ??


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